‘slippages’ website was a collaborative effort involving colleagues from across multiple departmental units:
Four colleagues in particular deserve independent acknowledgement for their project contributions:
UBC School of Music graciously extended support to ‘slippages’ website creation by way of facilitating performance copyright clearance. Special thanks goes to UBC Director of Orchestras Dr. Jonathan Girard whose boundless energy and kindness contributed greatly to the success of the enterprise.
Photographer John William kindly granted permission for use of his images documenting composer and conductor in the collaborative/creative process.
Lastly we thank composer and artist, Deborah Carruthers, for giving generously of her time, energy, and commitment to the success of the venture. Thank you, Deborah.
Funding for the project ‘slippages’ was provided by The Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, the Canada Council of the Arts, and the Anne Kaplan Endowment, UBC Library.
Funding for the website ‘slippages’ and digitization of ‘slippages’ resources was provided by the Anne Kaplan Endowment, UBC Library.
This site is built using Wax, a minimal computing (minicomp) project led by Marii Nyröp and currently maintained by Marii Nyrop and Alex Gil at Columbia University Libraries.
Wax uses open source libraries and frameworks (including Jekyll, IIIF, OpenSeaDragon, Rake, and ElasticLunr) and builds upon work by software and data architects Peter Binkley, David Newbury, and others.